Incomplete Senbazuru 644



 広島平和祈念公園には「原爆の子の像」が建立され、現在も全国各地から千羽鶴が贈られ,像の周りには沢山飾られています。実際にその「原爆の子の像」や「原爆ドーム」の前に立ちますと深い悲しみと複雑な思いを感じます。その気持ちをこの「未完の千羽鶴 644」に込めたつもりです。




写真提供 吉澤隆 氏

SENBAZURU means "chains of 1000 folded paper cranes (Origami)". This pice was composed based on the theme of Miss Sadako Sasaki.


Miss Sadako Sasaki was one of those who suffered from the bombing on August 6, 1945 at Hiroshima. She was only 2 years old at that time and contracted leukemia after the bombing. She believed the she will recover from leukemia in the process of making Senbazuru. Through the years, she made Senbazuru from packing paper of her medicine. However, her wish did not come true and she passed away when she was 12 years old.


Then, 644 Orizurus (Cranes Origami) dangled from the ceiling of her room. To fulfill her wish, her friends made the remaining 356 Orizuru and buried the SENBAZURU with her.


Currently, the "Children's Peace Monument" is erected in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and is decorated with a lot of Senbazuru around it. When I stand in front of this monument and the Atomic Bomb Dome, I feel  sense of deep sadness and complex thought. It is with this thought that I wrote this work.

 未完の千羽鶴644 が収録されているCDです。



As for the number of origami cranes folded by Miss Sadako Sasaki, based on her family's testimony, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum now claims that she folded more than 1,300 cranes.