Player to Peace / 平和への祈り

 2000年5月27日、NEC府中吹奏楽団 第25回 記念演奏会 のアンコールで発表されたこの作品は、ソプラノ独唱、或いは合唱を伴い、歌詞が無く、器楽的に扱われ、終始、穏やかに進む作品となっています。初演ではメゾ・ソプラノ独唱(小林由佳 氏)によって行われました。




 写真は初演してくださったソプラノ歌手の小林由佳 氏 です。


This music was performed as an encore piece at 25th Anniversary concert of NEC Concert Band with Soprano Solo. It was conducted by the composer with Miss. Yuka Kobayashi who is Mezzo Soprano singer on May 27, 2000. 

The poem for Soprano is not appear on the work. The Soprano singer has to song by only Ah. The work is very calm from first to last. It is a related work of " and all on the earth had gone"

When the premier performance of " and all on the earth had gone" on 1999, Akira got comments from an audience. The comments are "I hope this music will be not play again because it is feel deeply too much for me". However, the comment had made some imagination for this music.

The composer does not have a strong political power. Akira does not have a strong power to make an antinuclear campaign. He only looks on happenings on the world. But, when Akira thinks what I can do for the peace on the world, he had find out an answer. He continually must compose even he is unskilled composer and continually must pray until the real peace will be come.

Published as a sheet music for sale by Brain Co., Ltd. on May 27, 2022.